Friday, 3 May 2019

Spring has Sprung at BTC! 2019

The wait is over! Spring is finally here. How do we know? Because the Fancy Lake workouts are soon to begin. Mark it in your calendar – May 16, 2019. Be at the park in time to set up and be ready to hit the workout at 6:30PM. More info to come – watch the Facebook page.

Now that we have that out of the way, there's a lot of other stuff we have to cover. Sorry for the long email, but we think you'll want to be aware of this stuff.

The BTC Club Open House is scheduled to take place at the YMCA on May 9, 2019 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Please come and get snacks and learn stuff. We have a Bike Maintenance/Road Ready Clinic being put on by Rob Bonney. There'll be an update on all our club activities during the winter and upcoming for the summer, including the Points Series. No cost. Everyone welcome. Bring a friend.

Volunteer Opportunities – Whether you're trying to work off those last few Community Service hours from your court sentence or just need to scratch your altruism itch we need you to volunteer. For what, you ask...

a. This weekend as part of the South Shore Expo at Liverpool the club is helping deliver a Kids Duathlon. We need a couple more people to make this safe and fun for the kids. Please let Heather know that you're available on the Facebook Page.

b. We need volunteers to make the South Shore Kids' Triathlon a success again this year. See the call for volunteers on the Facebook Page.

c. There was a Volunteer Sign-up Survey posted on Facebook. Please see it and make your opinions known.

The 2019 Points Series competition opens this weekend and will run from May 3 to October 6. That means that by volunteering for the Kids' Duathlon, you get points and a head start on the rest of us. In order to get full credit for your activities, you'll need to let Richard Lane know if you raced, volunteered etc. Full details at the Open House.

We'll soon be starting our campaign to secure sponsors for the Riverport Duathlon. We have been very fortunate to have had Andrea Lohnes conscientiously chasing down sponsors for several years now, however she needs a break so Kerry Coolen has stepped up. However he needs some leads. If you know of any companies or organizations which we might be able to tap for sponsorship, please let Kerry know. If you don't know how to contact Kerry, simply flip us a line at the club email account and we'll make sure he gets it. (

That's it for now. See you at the Open House (if not at the Kids' Du)

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