Sunday, 30 December 2018

Club Swim Practice Starts Tuesday Jan 8th 2019

Swimming starts Jan 8th 2019! Tuesday Night 7pm at the LCLC

***Winter Swim Sessions***
We have had a great response to our group swim that will be taking place at the Lunenburg County Lifestyle Center on Tuesday nights at 7pm starting January 8th and running for 12 weeks.
There have been a number of questions about the swim. I will attempt to answer below.

Q.Will the swim be coached?
A. Yes and No. There will be a ``coach`` onsite to facilitate the swim either on deck or participating.
This practice will be for cardio improvement, not necessarily for individual stroke improvement. However, we have many accomplished swimmers in the BTC that would be happy to help on an individual basis.

Q.I`m not a strong swimmer. Will I be out of place?
A.Not at all. We have members at many different levels.

Q.Do I need to sign up?
A.No sign up needed. This is a drop-in practice. A member may come to one or all of the practices.

Q.How hard will the workout be? Workout Structure? A. Hard, but we will have 3 lanes with 3 different distances depending on ability.

Q.Do I need an LCLC membership?
A. No, just a BTC member in 2019

Join the club today !